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Sanctuary is a site-specific dance which elevates and activates the architecture of a worship space. It is adaptive in order to uplift and enhance the building's unique architecture as well as the congregation's values.
...Sanctuary emphasize[s] a search for spirituality and connection, a most fitting pursuit in our post-pandemic world.
-Edward Mylechreest, No Proscenium
"...both visually enticing and emotionally stirring. There was a sense of timelessness right from the start that drew me in.."
-Maxine Steinman
Sanctuary: Notre Dame
August 16, 2024
After a successful film festival season and financial support from the Jacob E. Nyenhuis Grant, Sanctuary will be restaged at The University of Notre Dame. The filmed performance will debut new choreography that expands the original vision.

I'm intentionally distant from social media so if you'd like to contact me, email is preferred.

Photo by Michael Haller Photography
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